Wednesday 27 June 2018


I am learning to recognise contractions. I know that contractions have apostrophes to replace missing letters.

" A contraction is two words joined together and one or two or three pop out and a mark is left to say that the letters are not there."  said Noah

Friday 22 June 2018

Maths Fun

Owl Babies

We are learning to publish our writing for an audience, because we are authors. In Room 3 we try to present our work in many different and interesting ways to encourage people to come and read our fabulous stories!

"I like the words I used. It looks like a big story. My Owl looks so fluffy."

Tuesday 19 June 2018


Our classroom celebrated Matariki, which is the Maori New Year. We came to school in our pyjamas and had a yummy breakfast together! It is great to share time with our whanau.

"It was so, so much fun. My Dad made all of the milo with lots of marshmallows. I think we should have breakfast at school again. My Mum got all the food and I helped her."